Below document sets out the Terms and Conditions of business in respect of the business relationship between Minet Botswana and its Clients:


The contents of this site, including but not limited to the text and images herein and their arrangement, are copyright © 2017 – 2019 by Minet Holdings Africa (Pty) Ltd (“Minet”). All Rights Reserved.

Minet hereby authorizes you to copy and display the content herein, but only for your personal or informational and non-commercial use. However, the content herein shall not be copied or posted in any network computer or broadcast in any media. Any copy you make must include this copyright notice. Limited quotations from the content are permitted if attribution to Minet is included, but you may not copy or display for redistribution to third parties for commercial purposes any portion of the content without the prior written permission of Minet. No modifications of the content may be made.

Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right under any patent, trademark, copyright (except as expressly provided above), or other proprietary rights of Aon or of any third party.


Minet, the Minet Logo and the taglines, including but not limited, “Secure Tomorrow” are registered trademarks of Minet.

Aon and the Aon logo are registered trademarks of Aon.

All other trademarks are either owned by Minet or by other companies.


Minet makes no representations about the suitability of the content of this site for any purpose. All content is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind.

Minet has not made and does not make any warranty of any kind whatever, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this site; and all implied warranties or merchantability, title, non-infringement and fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed by Minet. Minet will not be liable to anyone with respect to any damages, loss or clam whatsoever, no matter how occasioned, in connection with access to or use of the contents of this site. In no event shall Minet be liable for any special, indirect, exemplary or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to loss of use, data or profits, without regard to the form of any action including but not limited to contract or negligence or other tortious actions, arising out of or in connection with the use, copying or display of the content.

While Minet believes the content to be accurate, complete and current, there may be inadvertent technical or factual inaccuracies and typographical errors. Minet does not warrant that the information is accurate or complete or current. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. At any time and from time to time Minet may make changes in the products and/or services described herein, however, Minet makes no commitment to update the information and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in it.


Some of the sites listed as links herein are not under the control of Minet. Accordingly, Minet makes no representations whatsoever concerning the content of those sites. The fact that Minet has provided a link to a site is not an endorsement, authorization, sponsorship or affiliation by Minet with respect to such site, its owners or its providers. Minet is providing these links only as a convenience to you. Minet has not tested any information, software or products found on these sites and therefore cannot make any representations whatsoever with respect thereto. There are risks in using any information, software or products found on the Internet, and Minet cautions you to make sure that you completely understand these risks before retrieving, using, relying upon or purchasing anything via the Internet.


Minet, including all of its subsidiaries and affiliates, maintains relationships with clients and business partners around the world. When Minet recommends or mentions a product or service provider, it is possible that the product or service is being offered by one of Minet’s clients or business partners.

Minet maintains a strict Code of Business Conduct covering many topics, including antitrust and competition law, conflicts of interest, anti-bribery, privacy, financial reporting, compliance with trade restrictions, protection of confidential information, and compliance with all laws and regulations applicable to the conduct of our business. Minet also files necessary disclosures with all governmental regulators.


At Minet, we do business with companies and individuals whom we expect to hold values that are dear to our code of business conduct and apply the highest ethical standards. All arrangements with business partners must comply with applicable laws and Minet Corporate Policies. Some of the key Minet policies are as listed below:

  1. Financial Crime, Anti-Money Laundering, and Anti-Terrorism Laws and Regulations.Minet complies with the financial crime, anti- money laundering and anti-terrorism laws in all jurisdictions where it does business. Minet will conduct business only with reputable parties that are engaged in legitimate business activities, with funds derived from legitimate sources.
  2. Fair Dealing and Marketing Practices. At Minet, we deal in an honest way with our clients, suppliers, markets and competitors. Minet does not take advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation, or by means of any other unfair practice.
  3. International Trade Restrictions. Minet and its affiliates shall comply with local and international laws, and regulations including restrictions on trade in all countries where Minet does business.
  4. Harassment and Discrimination.At Minet we do not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind, including sexual, cultural or any other type of behaviour that is hostile, disrespectful, abusive and/or humiliating to others.
  5. Information Privacy.Minet’s commitment to integrity extends to personal information about Minet’s clients, employees, markets, business partners, suppliers or any other party whose personal data is processed or controlled by Minet.
  6. Information Confidentiality.Minet is committed to respect the confidentiality and privacy of its clients and business partners, to safeguard personal identifiable data/information, and to maintain systems’ security at all times.
  7. Speak up.Kindly play your role by reporting any improper or illegal activities or violations of this Code of business conduct, Minet Group policies or the law, in a manner compliant with local law by contacting the Minet Group Legal & Compliance Department (legal@minet.com) or the Minet Ethics Helpline (minet@tip-offs.com / www.tip-offs.com).