Judge not; there’s more to us than meets the eye!

February 04, 2025

When one catches Malaria, there are a number of indicators/symptoms that point towards it. These may include body chills, night sweats, headaches, tiredness, and nausea. The illness may last 5-7 days among adults or 1-2 days among children. Often, we will not judge them by these symptoms but rather be concerned and mindful of the parasite on the inside that triggers the presented symptoms. Likely we will be sympathetic to their pains and cold chills- offer them quilts to warm up, take them to a nearby medical facility, while a beloved relative prepares chicken soup to sip on when they return from the hospital.

Have you ever wondered what inspires the behaviour we observe about another before we draw conclusions about how despicable they are? We judge others by the behaviour their wounds inspire. Often, when we see something about another that is unfathomable, or out of the ordinary, we are quick to draw conclusions based on what we have seen. Just like the symptoms of malaria; some wounds inspire the behaviour you see. We never volunteer to nurse these wounds like we do for those with malaria by offering them warm quilts. So, we judge on…yet we never judge those with malaria for having been bitten by the mosquito.